“Office Gator has given our customers that call in after-hours better service. They have booked more service calls and have increased our bottom line.”
Our client in the plumbing and HVAC industry has always found it challenging to capture the calls that come in after business hours.
The previous answering service would take a message and pass it along. There was a lag time when the on-call technician or manager would receive the message and then return the call.
If the technician or manager was busy, the call wouldn’t be returned promptly. This lead to many of the leads coming in to seek service from their competitors.
It was tough for technicians to take calls while working on jobs. They found themselves working longer hours trying to get the jobs completed while answering phone calls.
Another challenge was proper scheduling because most of the time, the person taking the call had no idea what the future schedule looked like.
The Office Gator service answers their phones and books the service appointments in the same software (Housecall pro) that their company uses.
Emergency calls are also booked and dispatched to the on-call technicians.
“We wanted an after hours call center that could do more than just take messages for us. When customers called in to our old call service it was clear we were using a call service and they would even ask if this was the call service. Now with Office Gator the customers don't know the difference between our office staff answering the phones or Office Gator."
Over one month, Office Gator was able to book 76 service appointments during non-business hours. These appointments turned into $41,851.40 in direct sales.
When customers call in after-hours, the experience has improved dramatically. Customers have no idea they are speaking with an after-hours phone answering service. Most questions are answered in the same way their customer service representatives would answer in-house.
One customer noted, “I usually call another HVAC company, but they don’t have someone answering the phones like you guys do on a Sunday night.”
“Our calls are routed to Office Gator, which relives management and our technicians from taking after-hours calls. We can get more work done while Office Gator handles the phones.”